NextGen Youth Summit 2025

NextGen Youth Summit 2025

3/10/2025 - 3/11/2025



There are more than 3.8 million youth and young adults under the age of 24 in Pennsylvania. 

Tap into the future of Pennsylvania's workforce and economy.

The Next Generation Youth Workforce Summit will bring together Pennsylvania youth program providers across workforce development, higher-education, K-12, youth job coaches, community-organizations, and other professionals who serve youth - to network with peers, share ideas and experiences, and discover new and innovative programs, products, and services. 

The Summit convenes these stakeholders so that Pennsylvania can collaboratively increase opportunities for youth and young adults by breaking down the barriers and issues impacting them. 

The event will hold innovative, thought-provoking presentations, workshops, development and networking opportunities that attendees can utilize and embed in their daily professional activities.

Registration Cost:

Non-Member - $310

Member - $260


Holiday Inn Express, Williamsport, PA

To make hotel reservations, call the hotel directly at (570) 327-5292, 

or go through the Holiday Inn website HERE.

March 10th, 10am-11am

How could the Rising Storm equal a Rising Tide, lifting all boats? 

The initial reaction to the “Rising Storm”, Sansdemic report tends to be fear, and maybe anger. Many people think of what’s coming as a war for talent, a time of scarcity, when only a few employers and organizations will win and most will lose.

Workforce professionals will be key to re-imagining that messaging. We’ll give you some insights on how to help employers plan and engineer their approach to hiring and retaining an agile workforce, so that we can all leverage the Storm in our own way to rise together.

We’ll touch on these key points for employer engagement:

  • What do you do well, what are you willing to do, and what should you STOP doing? 
  • Do you have a workforce vision for your company/organization, and do you communicate it to key       partners and constituents?
  • What team members and partners do you need to carry out your plan and vision?

March 10th, 1:30pm-2:30pm

Future Ready: Youth Insights on Workforce Innovation

Join a dynamic panel of young individuals from Advance Central PA as they share their unique perspectives on workforce development. This engaging discussion provides a platform for youth to voice their aspirations for career pathways, highlight strategies for meaningful engagement, and identify the resources they need to thrive in today’s evolving workforce. Through authentic dialogue, the emerging workforce will shed light on their motivations, challenges, and innovative ideas, offering fresh perspectives to inspire and inform workforce development initiatives.

March 11th, Opening Session, 9am-10am

Securing the Future: Youth Workforce Policy in a Time of Change

With more than 3.8 million youth and young adults under 24 in Pennsylvania, the future of our workforce depends on strong policies and sustainable funding. As federal resources are being scaled back and WIOA reauthorization remains uncertain, how can workforce professionals, educators, and community organizations adapt to continue serving youth effectively?

Join this interactive town hall discussion where attendees will engage in candid conversations about the evolving policy landscape, share strategies for advocating at the federal and state levels, and collaborate on solutions to ensure youth workforce programs remain strong. This is your opportunity to voice challenges, exchange ideas, and shape the path forward for Pennsylvania’s next generation of workers.

Don't miss our closing session! 

March 11th, 11am-12pm

Breaking Barriers: Building Pathways for Youth Workforce Success

Youth workforce development cannot succeed in isolation from the broader social determinants of health (SDOH) that impact young people’s lives. This panel will explore the intersection of SDOH and workforce development, examining how factors such as housing stability, mental health, access to education, community safety, and economic well-being influence the ability of youth to thrive in school, work, and life. 

Join thought leaders and practitioners as they share innovative approaches and strategies to meet the next generation where they are, breaking down systemic barriers and aligning partnerships to create pathways of success. Attendees will gain actionable insights on how to integrate SDOH considerations into their programs and collaborations to more effectively prepare and empower Pennsylvania’s youth for a brighter future.

Workshop Classes

Monday, March 10 





-Non Member $310

-Member $260

Pennsylvania College of Technology
1 College Ave
Williamsport, 17701
Event Contact
Lisa Moyer
(717) 395-3244
Send Email
3/10/2025 - 3/11/2025
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